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Getting High On Their Own Supply

I was more than surprised by the power!

"I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was more than surprised by the power of the Breathwork. It was a beautiful and powerful release and I felt so much lighter for weeks afterward. I felt a new inspiration for my work, my relationships, and my life. Amelie's energy is so nurturing and compassionate.

It's exactly what you need when you want to let go of emotions and old baggage. I felt like she guided me to all the places in my body that I needed to go. I would recommend working with Amelie to any creative and sensitive person who is caught in their negative thought loops."


Was that a full body Orgasm?

Never in my life had I experienced something like this. It really felt like I had a full body orgasm without being touched and it blew my mind! I loved how I felt afterwards and look forward to doing more breathwork every week.


Getting High On Life

I had been searching for something I couldn't put my finger on. Experiencing Breathwork with Amelie was not only life changing but it felt like I was getting high on life and my own energy. An unforgettable experience I would recommend to anyone!


Breathwork with Amelie is Pure Heaven

She is a master at holding space and making you feel held and comfortable and loved. This environment allows you to fully let go and move through anything that comes up! Truly it's a glorious experience and one that I recommend you enjoy as many times as you can!

Cara, USA